Monday, March 23, 2009

Preview for Chapter 6 of WDMPG?

To counter the flow of my depression, I'm gonna post a preview of chapter 6 for my WDMPG? fanfic.
To let people get a taste of what's in store. :)
Here goes~


“… Yeah. I am definitely regretting this.” Ryoma muttered.


Eiji & Ryoma had come back to Ryoga’s house & told the rest of the regulars what had happened.

“So let me get this straight,” Momoshiro said, “Atobe asked you out? Seriously?”

“Not really,” Ryoma replied with an annoyed expression on his face, “it was kinda forced on.”

“Forced on, as in…?”

“As in ‘go out with ore-sama.’” Ryoma made his voice & expression so much like Atobe’s that the regulars cracked up. Even Tezuka almost smiled.

Suddenly, Yumiko poked her head in the room where the regulars were holding their conference.

“You boys seem happy.” She commented. “What’s happening in here?”

“Ahh, nee-san.” Fuji said, then chuckled a bit. “Well, Echizen’s going on a date tomorrow.”

Yumiko’s eyes got huge. “Really now!” She went toward the freshman & began to hug him. “Our little Ryoma-kun is going on a date!” she exclaimed. “We need to find you an outfit?”

“What!” Ryoma shrieked, while trying not to suffocate in Yumiko’s hug.”No!”

“Come on, Ochibi!” Eiji said with a pout. “Even Atobe said you need to dress nice!”

“You’d think me, of all people, would follow that monkey king’s orders?” Ryoma asked with a disgusted & annoyed expression on his face.

“You have a point there—Wait! That’s not the point! The main thing is that you need to go on this date to find out something about Hyoutei! Do it for the team, nya!” Eiji said encouragingly to his kouhai.

Needless to say, Ryoma wasn't that encouraged.


That's about it. Hope you guys enjoy this little preview. ;)