Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year-Ender Special.

This is my 51st blog post...
... And the last blog post for 2008.
It makes people all teary-eyed when they finally realize that time is moving too fast,
to enjoy & suffer everything.
It makes you wish that time just stood still sometimes, huh?
At least, that's what I think.
2008 was an awesome year, full of bad & good things.
I was able to complete some of my resolutions,
and that's a good thing.
I was able to post a fic that's gaining great popularity,
I bought lots of manga (with my own money!),
I was able to see my favorite bands perform live in concert,
buy clothes & stuff that I needed & wanted,
went to conventions (all in costume, no less.).
And that's just a couple of things.
There are lots of bad things too, but I would rather not say.
2008 was a good year
But, like all good stuff, it comes to an end.
Sometimes too soon for others.
2008 is dying, and will soon be dead like the black parade in just a few hours.
Although, a new year will begin: 2009.
Let's all just hope that 2009 will be an even more awesome year than 2008. :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Computer's busted

Oh, I forgot to say,
my computer's busted.
Something about a file is missing and/or corrupt & therefore cannot be started.
It sucks, I know.
My mom said she's gonna get it fixed today, (it broke a couple of days ago.)
but she hasn't taken it out yet. (it's already night time.)
'Till then, I might not be posting as much.
I'm using my sister's laptop right now. :P
I hope it gets fixed soon. :(
I have a lot of important documents in there.
Like my WDMPG? fic, pictures that took me FOREVER to find, and song that were really hard to find.

Shoes. <3

These shoes are awesome. :3
But, they're for men. ^^"
I wish they had it for women.
I will search~

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas break, among other things

Christmas break is here!
Now I can laze around the whole day once again!
So awesome.
lol, I'm hungry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chapter 5 of WDMPG is finally out!

I am ashamed of myself for taking so long to update it. XD
I didn't update for the month of November.
Oh well, alls well that ends well, right?
Here is the awaited link!!


The heck. XD

Oh man,
now Yuiko died too. D:
"It has struggled with the battle with life" something like that.
Apparently the drops give you an item from a store in gaia. :P

Monday, December 15, 2008

In loving memory~

My fish died. T.T
lol, that fish wasn't even real.. XD
But still... D:
It was one of my fish in Gaia Online.
A goldfish named Reo.
I wonder what the drops will do...
Ehem, lol. :P

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Minagawa-san, I WANT YOUR VOICE.

That's it.
I am officially in love with Echizen Ryoma's voice.
Technically, Junko Minagawa's voice.
Her voice is so awesome, man!
It sounds so nice! XD
They way she sounds like a guy is awesome!
At the same time, she sounds like a girl. o.o
Now, on of my goals is to have a voice as good as Junko Minagawa's.
Hmm. I wonder how that'll happen. :))

Thursday, December 11, 2008




Er... Sorry. I'm just hyped up today. XD


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tablet... Scanner... ANYTHING!

Wah! I now have a random craving for a
I must have a tablet!
Or at least a scanner!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm a Deviant~

That's right.
I'm a Deviant now. :>
I have a DA account! Yay.
Now all I need is a scanner or a tablet...
I can't always just take a picture of my work!
Here's the link to my DA:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I will follow him~ Yeah right.

Being 14 makes me feel old.
today sucked. :))
Well, not really.
Just because of the songfest.
It sucked, man!
My class came from Basuraland.
I mean, come on...
I dare not speak of it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The last night..

Well, this is it.
The last blog entry I'll have being 13.
Being 14 kinda makes me nervous.
I'll miss being 13, so much has happened.
I think my year as a 13 year old had helped me develop as an overall person (biased opinion) & had helped me realize some things in my life that seemed too cloudy for my thoughts before.
This past year, I had gone through a lot. Friendships, heartaches, pains, disappointment, pressure, depression, suicide attempts, etc.
But it wasn't all bad memories.
There were a lot of good ones too.
Finding out about Prince of Tennis (courtesy of Marielle), finding out about stuff I've never even HEARD of before, and a lot of other stuff.
This year will be marked in my eternal memorandum.
I feel all sad & sentimental just thinking about that this is the last day I'm gonna live as a person who had just entered the official adolescent stage: Lucky 13.
Tomorrow, I'm officially entering the 2nd year of teenagers out there: 14.
So, I guess this is the official end of this blog.
The last blog as a 13 year old.
Man, I sound like a broken record.

Monday, December 1, 2008

zOMG! No shit.

It's so hard, man. :))
I need help. XD
Stupid valves.
This is the first time that an online battle game has challenged me!
And I have to do a task as silly as this?
I will fail at a job that involves tightening objects.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

An artist's ambition

Is to draw, right?
I plan on drawing. :P
I hope I get a tablet soon...
I wanna sell drawings on the internet. :>
I think I have enough skills for that...
I want a tablet for Christmas/birthday. :D
I hope I get one!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Sorry, I'm out of creative juices right now.

So that's the title I could think of right now. Simple, yet straight to the point.
I already bought Christmas gifts for 3 special people. :>
Yeah. They're special 'cause they're my friends.
That's all I could think of to write right now.
Other than the Sportsfest (that I didn't play in) & the Songfest practice (that I didn't want to be in).
That's about it, I guess.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Investigatory projects are hard, man.

... And she did the "trick-or-treat".
Haha, sorry,
I was listening to Panic at the Disco.
I just finished doing my part on my Science investigatory project.
It was exhausting to the mind, man.
I wish we didn't have to make projects like this.
No homework, no seatwork, no quizzes
that would be like paradise.
But noooo, we don't live in paradise,
unlike those people in "The Giver".
Other than that damn I.P.
I got hit by a car today. :D
... Yeah.
I'm already planning/making some people's gifts for Christmas. I hope they'll like them.
lol, I spoiled the surprise for them. (<-- told them what I was gonna give them.) Spoiled kid. :))

My "Leavin'" fic has 3 reviews now! Yay!
That's a good record in one day for a one shot.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Advertising; SAKURADA DORI♥

First of all, that's two different things.
I'm gonna do a bit of advertising.
I'm gonna miss being a 13 year old advertiser. XD
First of all, my friend Natalie, is selling Twilight shirts.
Preferably shirts that say "I ♥ Edward Cullen".
If you want one, let me know.
Next is, I posted a new Prince of Tennis one shot in
Read it & review please!
It's yet another Eiji x Ryoma friendship fic. :>
I just seem to love the friendship of these two.
Yeah. Friendship.
Not romance. NEVER. That's for Choutarou x Eiji. :))
Moving on...
Read it, please. :) (link here)
Sorry if it has a lot of one-liners, it's like that 'cause it was based off a real conversation & those are the exact words we said.
Now, on to the 2nd part of the title.
Sakurada Dori!
lol, LOVE.
I got addicted again, dammit. :))
I plan to make photo compilations of all the Tenimyu actors. :>
Wish me luck, man!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Retreat & Hero Con

Last Friday until Saturday morning, my class went to Tagaytay to have our retreat,
The retreat was alright,
many people cried.
But I didn't cry though, it's weird.
Then after that...
I went to the Hero Con.
Aww, the next con is next year pa, lol. :P
I need to save up for a Matt costume. XD

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I dislike hamsters.

No really, I do.
As long as it's a furry pet that's smaller than a rabbit,
I don't like them anymore.
I get this creepy feeling, I don't know.
One of my weaknesses?
Haha, loser.
Not really.
Why couldn't we use rabbits instead?
I would gladly keep the rabbits,
but not HAMSTERS.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


What the fuck friendster?
What's wrong with you?
I used to have 500+ friends,
now I have ELEVEN.
What the hell?
Also other people!
7, 6, 1??
Friendster better fix it, unless they want all their users to quit.
Shit man.


Don't mind me.
I'm just experimenting on different pairings. :>
Since I like Hitachiin Twincest, I'd like to try different non-het pairings.
Well... How about KyouyaxTamaki?
Mom & dad, lol. :P


That must've sounded wrong. :P
But I don't like twincest in general, okay?
Moreover, I don't like incest. XP
But there's this one particular pairing of 2 BROTHERS that I like.
lol, yeah, twin brothers.
Of Ouran Kokou Host Club.
They're love is LOVE.
Haha, Honey.
They're love is so niiiice, even if they're just acting, lol.
I must be insane. :>

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hehe, today was kinda umm... Let's say, weird.
One was because of the practice thingy for songfest.
Umm, I dare not explain what Ms. is making us for it.
Another was because of P.E.
Because of track & field, and the field was all... Muddy. And we had to run, like, half to the whole of the field.
We can assume that the class (also the boys I think, since they had soccer.) was covered in mud. PUTIK. :))
And mostly because of...
Yes, Bea. YOU.
It started when we were in the songfest practice thing in the H.E. room, the class was sitting down on the floor while Ms. was talking/arguing with some students about the choreography.
When I was glomping/hugging Bea (or was it me being glomped; I can't remember.) she suddenly said that there are only 2 characters in Prince of Tennis (The fandom is BACK, baby!) that actually have both first & last names that sound good together.

Here is the historic conversation~!! :
Bea: I think only Ryoma & Eiji have nice names in PoT.
Krystel: Really? Hmm... Echizen Ryoma... Kikumaru Eiji... Oo nga noh.
Bea: See! The others sound weird! Like Sadaharu?? *laughs*
Krystel: Haha, really? Let's try it out nga. If the name is nice, thumbs up. If it's not, thumbs down.
Bea: Okay.
Krystel: Echizen Ryoma.
Bea: *thumbs up*
Krystel: Kikumaru Eiji.
Bea: *thumbs up*
Krystel: Fuji Syuusuke.
Bea: Uhh... *thumbs down*
Krystel: Why?! *laughs*
Bea: Eh, it sounds weird! Syuusuke??
Krystel: I like it. Haha, okay. Oishi Syuichirou.
Bea: Ehh... *thumbs down*
Krystel: Inui Sadaharu.
Bea: *thumbs down while laughing*
Krystel: *laughs* Momoshiro Takeshi
Bea: Hmm... *thumbs down*
Krystel: Kaidoh Kaoru.
Bea: It has 2 K's! *makes K hand sign*
Krystel: Huh?
It has 2 K's! *makes K hand sign*
Krystel: ... Does that mean thumbs up?
Bea: Yeah!
Krystel: Haha, okay. Tezuka Kunimitsu.
Bea: Wah! *thumbs down*
Krystel: Aww, haha. How about Kawamura? Diba "Kawamura Takashi"? Taka, diba?
Bea: Hmm... It's medium. *makes slash sign*
Krystel: Okay... Let's try Hyoutei!
Bea: Okay! You do it also! So I would know your opinion.
Krystel: Okay. Atobe Keigo,
Krystel&Bea: *thumbs down & laughs*
Krystel: Oshitari Yuushi.
Bea: Yuushi, hahaha. *makes thumbs up sign*
Krystel: *makes slash sign* Mukahi Gakuto.
Krystel&Bea: *slash sign*
Krystel: Akutagawa Jirou.
Bea: What? It's so long!
Krystel: But it's cute!
Krystel&Bea: *thumbs up*
Krystel: Ootori Choutarou.
Krystel&Bea: *thumbs up*
Krystel: Haha, I remember in the PoT radio show, Kamio accidentally said "Ootarou Choutarou"
Bea: What!
Krystel: Yeah! And Oishi always makes the mistakes! Like "Kikumaru Reiji", "The H of My Heart" instead of "The Ache of My Heart" & he said "silent" instead of "since" for "Since Last Goodbye"!
Bea: *laughs*
Krystel: Haha, okay. Shishido Ryou.
Bea: *slash sign*
Krystel: *thumbs up* Kabaji Munehiro.
Bea: What?? *thumbs down*
Krystel: *thumbs down* Kabaji Munehiro.
Bea: Oh, I didn't hear you say Kabaji.
Krystel: Haha. Wakashi Hiyoshi.
Bea: Ooh, it rhymes! *thumbs up*
Krystel: *laughs & slash sign* Tapos na ata sa Hyoutei. Now for Rikkai! Yukimura Seiichi.
Bea: Uhh... *thumbs down*
Krystel: *laughs & thumbs up* Sanada Genichirou.
Krystel&Bea: *thumbs down*
Krystel: Yanagi Renji.
Krystel&Bea: *slash sign*
Krystel: Marui Bunta.
Bea: *thumbs down*
Krystel: *thumbs up*
Bea: What the hell! Bunta sounds weird!
Krystel: *laughs* But it sounds cool kaya!

And this conversation kept going on & on... :))


We just got out of sembreak,
and the TEACHERS have to give us a whole shitload of requirements!!
Can't they at least be a LITTLE considerate to students?
I guess not.
I mean, we're all human right? Not superhuman?
We don't have powers that magically makes all the work we need to finish (like, a whole week's worth of requirements) will actually BE finished in one day.
Um, wow. I think it might take a while for that sentence to sink in.
Anyways, I'm just ranting here.
Ranting can make perfect nonsense.
Er... Anyway...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Chapter 4, O M G.

I forgot to say,


Now, read & review it! Ore-sama commands it!
(link here)

Host Bu~ :*

I just started reading Ouran High School Host Club,
and it's nice.
It's all about these attractive young men being in a host club in high school.
No duh.
But one of them is actually a girl.
Now who would've figured that? lol.
People have asked me who I want MY bishie to be.
Since Marielle likes Ootori, & Melissa likes Mori.
(Btw, they're part of my fanbase. :> Haha, joke. They're just a few of my friends who call me "Ore-sama".)
To be frankly honest, I've got to say it's Haruhi.
I know.
But still...
She's so good-looking...
Blame androgynous women for my confusion on my sexual orientation. DX
I'm being confused about my own sexual orientation again. lol.
No matter.
I'm me, anyway. :D

Friday, October 31, 2008

Into the RUSH.

I knew procrastinating was a bad idea!
Now I'm rushing chapter 4 of the WDMPG? fic!
Pray that I post it in time before October ends!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Almost Halloween :>

I've got the chills. XD
It's almost Hallowe~ee~n.
It's almost HALLOWEEN!
I'm not only up for Halloween for the candy or stuff.
I'm up for the costumes! XD
Punk lolita, anybody?
Other than that...
It's gonna be L's birthday!
THE L Lawliet.
Greatest detective EVER.
I'm a dork, yes I know that. XD
Happy advanced birthday, L! :)


I've got a new fanfic posted in :>
Actually, a few days ago.
Here it is:

Review if you have a account. :>

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You're such a f*cking hypocrite.


What's wrong with the world nowadays?
Scratch that-- what's wrong with the PEOPLE nowadays?
Everyone, no, not everyone, MOST people are such backstabbers & bitches.

I snap at you because I can't handle it anymore.

And something I said to not tell ANYONE, you had the nerve to say it to someone.
I don't care if she's also a close friend, a promise is a promise.
I guess I just have to kill myself now.

Can't you take a hint?
Maybe being your friend was a bad idea.


I always knew you would never change.

Screw you.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

She's just somebody's daughter just looking for somebody to love her.

I feel like doing a little advertising here.

I have some friends here who also have blogs. :)

Check out their blogs if you wish.



That is all.

Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sembreak... Sembreak... Sembreak...

Well, it's sembreak now.
And what's sembreak without a little lakwa? XD
I went to G4 with a few of my friends: Mycah, Alex, Rebecca & my aibou, Bea!
It was.. Let's say an overall good experience.
Me & my aibou went near the "Wanted" movie poster to do some... Murder planning.
We planned something. But it's still a secret for now.
You guys might find out sooner or later. :>
Let's just say it's... Tennis.
I felt like a little bratty kid again, hahaha. :))
Too bad Michelle wasn't able to come, she should have asked me about the adult thing!
Sayang Michelle!
Super fun. Is all I could say.
Especially TimeZone. Yeah!
Haha, Mario Kart, Mini Carousel, Raging Ape, Photo Booth, Animal Riding. XD
lol, Me & Rebecca thought that the "extra time" for designing the photos was forever. :))
Sana mag-lakwa ulit, guys!

Monday, October 13, 2008

It was a L I F E or D E A T H situation. D:

... Maybe I shouldn't have been so excited about the Cosplaymania con.

I almost died! D:

So many... people... TT.TT
I liked the Anicon better, but.. oh well.
I think I would've enjoyed the Cosplaymania con more if they chose a BIGGER venue.
Megatrade Hall 3 is too small.
It should have been somewhere really big, a place that was built to actually hold cons.
Like SMX convention center.
Well, if you take out all the bad factors, the con was actually really GOOD. :>
They sold wigs (too bad I couldn't buy, it was like 1200.), sold stuff for lolita costumes (I bought some for my punk school girl costume! Yay!), and really cheap accessories (I bought a tennis racquet necklace. :D).
I guess the next thing to look forward to is... Halloween!
I'm going trick-or-treating with Natalie I think. :P
I'll go as a lolita thingy. :D

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cosplay MANIA.

There's another convention tomorrow!
Terribly excited now, huh?
Must... PREPARE!!!!!!
What's wrong with me? :))

Anywho, I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I'll do that later.
Haha, I'm such a random procrastinator.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

U N day. Celebrate~ ... Or not.

Tomorrow (Oct. 10) is supposedly U.N. day, right?
Also, it's Spanish Day or something.
I have no problems with that.
What the problem is that..
I don't have a costume.
And yes, I need a costume.
My Social Studies teacher made it a quiz, dammit.
It's either 10 or 0.
What if you really don't have a costume? Like me.
If only she told us sooner that we needed to wear a costume, I would have gotten one by now.
I could've borrowed Natalie's matador outfit, or Jean's yukata, or something.
Anything at all.
Dang it.
I wish I could just be absent tomorrow.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
Heh, oh well.
Might as well improvise some weird Spanish costume,
and look like those royal-like Spanish ladies you see in T.V. shows.

A N I C O N . LOLerrss.

Been a long time since I posted something, huh?

Well, Last Sunday was so.. super as in.... astiiiig.
Well, it's 'cause I went to the Anicon.
Wearing a costume.
(So many W's. XD)
I was Echizen Ryoma, lol.
I didn't know that many people would ask for my picture..
Is it really awesome for someone to see a 13-year old girl cross-dressing?
I guess it sounds awesome, though.
Another good bit: This dude who was also dressed as Ryoma asked me if I could join the group cosplay of PoT next week.
Of course I would! XD I always wanted to do that.
Probably next time, It's gonna be Akatsuki cosplay next.
I get dibs on Konan. :))
Or Deidara!
Or... Tobi. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G Song.

Later this day, I'm gonna sleep at school. XD
'Cause I'm part of the Coastal Clean-up committee thing.
Helping the environment is fun.
Well, going to school now. Ciao!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We'll make the great escape.

The Boys Like Girls concert is on Saturday!
At least one of them is.
Problem, my mom has a wedding to attend on the same day.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Seigaku~ Fight-O!

There's a convention coming up.
More than one convention, actually.
A normal convention, & a yaoi one.
No doubt I'd go on the normal con.
But, for some reason, I wanna go to the yaoi con...
Don't hate me for that!
I'm not offended by yaoi anymore. ^________^
Just as long as it's not between my favorite characters..
And NOT, NOT between the Prince of Tennis characters.
I think I'm going as Echizen Ryoma in both cons.
Haha, the only thing I need is the Seigaku jacket & the black shorts.
The black shorts is easy to get, I can buy from any sports store.
The jacket's the hard one, if I'm gonna buy it, I have to buy the whole set though.
Which is like, 2900+ pesos.
But my mom said, when our house gets sold (which is really soon, I think), she's gonna buy it for me.
The one I bought before is too effin' BIG!!
I feel even SHORTER in it. Damn.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I was all hyper & chipper just a few minutes ago.
Now I'm depressed. Angry. Frustrated.
I don't know why,
Why am I like this?
Do I have some sort of problem?
I hate feeling like this.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ikkyu nyu kon!

Well, it was a long weekend.
So, usually, people get bored.
That goes the same for me.
I guess I was bored enough to let's say... do some Japanese translating. XD
Which is what I did. :P
I turned it into a slideshow (courtesy of Windows Movie Maker) & posted it on YouTube.
I hope the translations are right. ^^

View & comment! Yorishiku
It'll be so gekidasa if you don't view & comment.

I'm off.

Ja ne!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ribbon wo kakete~

I made a new slideshow & posted it on the ever famous YouTube.
Check it out if you wish, here's my channel link:
It's a slideshow of Shishido & the song is "Valentine Kiss" sung by him.
I just love his voice, it sounds cool.

Dang, I got addicted to Prince of Tennis again. XD
Katsu no wa Seigaku! Makeru no Hyoutei!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Picnic near a restroom.

Yesterday (Aug. 22, 08' - Friday) was a blast.
Nice things happened for once.
It started off as Friendship Day. (School tradition)
It's a day where you give gifts/tokens to your friends in school as a sign of gratitude to your friends & blah.
Usually, people give small items like candy, chocolate, key chains, etc.
I got a LOT.
I got chocolate, candy, necklaces, food, key chains, bookmarks, pictures of Echizen...
Anyways, the real stuff happened after dismissal.
I was going down, then I saw Natalie. She said that Marielle was going to "libre" us that day.
Then Regina came down the stairs & said "Hey Krystel!' while uhh.. Doing that move The Pussycat Dolls do in the "When I Grow Up" music video. (The one when they say "I wanna have groupies".)
She said she was addicted to doing that. She'd been doing it the whole day.
Then we met up with Rheymarie, Clarissa & Michelle after Jinny (Regina) left.
Marielle was taking SO LONG.
So I guess we decided to look at the different classrooms. (Preferably 7F.)
It was Rheymarie's idea to go inside their classroom.
Suddenly, Reginald & some of his classrooms came in, supposedly, they were gonna practice for Parents' Day.
But before they did that, they played some songs from the Boys Like Girls CD Reginald got for Friendship Day.
All of us (Except Rheymarie & Clarissa, since I guess they don't know the song.) sang "Thunder". That song is so addicting. :)
After a while, we left 7F.
Natalie decided to check what was keeping Marielle so long.
Which I guess was a good thing, since Marielle said she couldn't leave her classroom. (They were practicing for Parents' Day.)
She gave Natalie the money (Php. 500) so we could buy the food ourselves.
Natalie used it to buy a MILO FREEZE.
Rheymarie used it to buy ICE CREAM.
Clarissa used it to buy a MILKSHAKE.
Michelle used it to buy a DRINK?
It looked like we were having a picnic. :))
So Natalie suggested we go to the hallway near the Computer Lab 1 to have the so-called.. "picnic".
But when we got there (with our heavy bags included) Michelle said that we might get in trouble for being there 'cause some teacher were in the lab doing the grades & stuff.
So we all (reluctantly, since the bags were heavy) went near the CR.
It's weird to have a picnic near a CR, if you ask me.
Still, we ate there.
I shocked the others when I heard a voice.
It sounded like a teacher. (omg. lol.)
We all hid in the bathroom. :)) With the food & all. =))
Turns out, false alarm.
After all that crap, Natalie read a really disturbing part in the Breaking Dawn book.
I dare not describe it. I don't even read the Twilight series.
After that, Marielle came out & Natalie gave her the money we didn't spend & the 5 pieces of Country Bits we saved for her.
When we came down, I let Marielle listen to "birthday song" I prepared for her in my PSP. :))
It was sung by..
One of the anime dudes that make Marielle go "OMG!!!!! XDDD"
Hahaha, sorry.
That's my report.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dang. Periodical tests results are in.

Moment of truth.
It's time to see if I really am smart.
To see if I exert "effort" into my studies.
It's kinda nerve-racking, if you ask me.
It's really annoying if your parents are disappointed at your scores.
It's not saddening; it's annoying.
I don't really feel bad if I get a low score.
(Actually I don't have a low score yet. My lowest I think is Math. 80/100.)
It's just the feeling that your parents are disappointed at your scores is what bugs me.
It just really pisses me off, actually.
So far, so good. No low scores.
Highest I guess is my Reading subject. 90/100.
Not bad, I guess. I think I could have done better though.
I didn't really study well for that test.
Urgh. Math. I think it hates me.
Hmmn, at least I haven't failed. Yet.
Agh, I don't like failing. It makes me feel like I'm stupid.
Maybe I should think that I won't fail.
Anyway, Language & Science are the only tests that weren't given the scores yet.
Language is no prob., it's Science that I'm worried about.
Oh well. Hope for the best.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chapter 2 is up, nya!

Chapter 2 of my Prince of Tennis fanfic is up!
To check out my story, go to

Here's the link of my fic for you.
(Click here.)

The X's.

Haha, yesterday was cool. (Aug. 15. 2008)
When it was dismissal, me & 2 other friends went to hang out with Marielle, our other friend, 'cause she brought her laptop to school.
Since we couldn't use the internet, we played The Sims 2. :>
We made a family with the 4 of us in it.. Only trouble was we couldn't think of a last name.
Natalie made it though. It became "X".
So our family became the X's. :))

But we made 8 people in the family. (we were teenagers, we made 2 teenage boys & 2 adults.)
It was so hard to find a house that would fit us.
It took us so long that Natalie & Clarissa had to leave for their bus.
So me & Marielle took over.
We couldn't find a single house in Veronaville! We had to choose that house with the swimming pool in that Houses option. XD
But it took us so long to fix up the place.
Like, about an hour tops.
We didn't even finish it, actually. And the House Building Tutorial kinda didn't help.
So we decided to get in her Sims 1 & looked at the photo album there. (She had Naruto Character sims.)
The photos were... Interesting.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pretty odd, huh?

The Panic At The Disco concert is TONIGHT!
Woot! I can't wait!
But... I have to study first. Damn.
Stupid exam week. At least the tests tomorrow are the easy subjects.
Social Studies, Reading. I think it'll be a snap.
But what's more important now is...
What am I gonna wear to the concert.
It needs to look, smell & taste (yes, taste.) PRETTY. ODD. !


Is it right for a teacher to call a student fat?
It's wrong right? Especially if the students is CLEARLY not fat.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I got a new haircut.
It DID Not turn out the way I'd hope.
My hair's so short now dammit.
Think Rihanna in the "Umbrella" video or Mukahi Gakuto in Prince of Tennis.
It's THAT short now. Ugh.
This just proves that you can't trust strangers with your hair.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Splurging is bad, or is it?

Hmm, okay,
Yesterday was alright I guess.
I was absent from school Thursday to Friday 'cause I got sick.
Friday, I was feeling better, so I decided to accompany my mom to Powerplant Rockwell to hear mass.
We were kinda late.. (uhh, the mass was ending when we came.) so after a few minutes of staying at the church, we decided to do something else. Since I had 500 pesos & my mom owed me another 500, I decided that I should just buy a CD & a manga. (It was my intention of going, after all. :) )
Music One was the first stop. I couldn't decide what to buy! There was A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Pretty. Odd., Flyleaf, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, The Black Parade & The Black Parade is Dead!
I wanted to buy all of those!! Damn!
But in the end, I decided to buy A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. I'm perfectly happy with it. XD
Then, next stop was Fully Booked. It was even harder to pick a manga.
Being a mangaholic myself, I almost melted at the site of 2 whole shelves back-to-back full of manga!!
There was Prince of Tennis, Naruto, Death Note, Negima!, Hana Kimi, Ouran, I think it had EVERYTHING.
Too bad it was so expensive.
Since I couldn't decide, I decided to call my friend Jin for her opinion.
When I said "Negima Volume 8" She was.. all hyper-ish on the phone. o.o
At least she helped me pick. XD In the end, I got Hana Kimi Volume 23 (final volume)
Agh! I hate that they didn't post the special end chapter!! WHY WHY WHY!!!
It was one of the best chapters ever!!
At least, I loved the story. :3
I guess, all in all, I spent 1000 pesos in one day. o.o (just for a CD & a book..)
At least it was my money. :) And I planned it all along. >:D<