Sunday, August 31, 2008

Seigaku~ Fight-O!

There's a convention coming up.
More than one convention, actually.
A normal convention, & a yaoi one.
No doubt I'd go on the normal con.
But, for some reason, I wanna go to the yaoi con...
Don't hate me for that!
I'm not offended by yaoi anymore. ^________^
Just as long as it's not between my favorite characters..
And NOT, NOT between the Prince of Tennis characters.
I think I'm going as Echizen Ryoma in both cons.
Haha, the only thing I need is the Seigaku jacket & the black shorts.
The black shorts is easy to get, I can buy from any sports store.
The jacket's the hard one, if I'm gonna buy it, I have to buy the whole set though.
Which is like, 2900+ pesos.
But my mom said, when our house gets sold (which is really soon, I think), she's gonna buy it for me.
The one I bought before is too effin' BIG!!
I feel even SHORTER in it. Damn.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I was all hyper & chipper just a few minutes ago.
Now I'm depressed. Angry. Frustrated.
I don't know why,
Why am I like this?
Do I have some sort of problem?
I hate feeling like this.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ikkyu nyu kon!

Well, it was a long weekend.
So, usually, people get bored.
That goes the same for me.
I guess I was bored enough to let's say... do some Japanese translating. XD
Which is what I did. :P
I turned it into a slideshow (courtesy of Windows Movie Maker) & posted it on YouTube.
I hope the translations are right. ^^

View & comment! Yorishiku
It'll be so gekidasa if you don't view & comment.

I'm off.

Ja ne!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ribbon wo kakete~

I made a new slideshow & posted it on the ever famous YouTube.
Check it out if you wish, here's my channel link:
It's a slideshow of Shishido & the song is "Valentine Kiss" sung by him.
I just love his voice, it sounds cool.

Dang, I got addicted to Prince of Tennis again. XD
Katsu no wa Seigaku! Makeru no Hyoutei!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Picnic near a restroom.

Yesterday (Aug. 22, 08' - Friday) was a blast.
Nice things happened for once.
It started off as Friendship Day. (School tradition)
It's a day where you give gifts/tokens to your friends in school as a sign of gratitude to your friends & blah.
Usually, people give small items like candy, chocolate, key chains, etc.
I got a LOT.
I got chocolate, candy, necklaces, food, key chains, bookmarks, pictures of Echizen...
Anyways, the real stuff happened after dismissal.
I was going down, then I saw Natalie. She said that Marielle was going to "libre" us that day.
Then Regina came down the stairs & said "Hey Krystel!' while uhh.. Doing that move The Pussycat Dolls do in the "When I Grow Up" music video. (The one when they say "I wanna have groupies".)
She said she was addicted to doing that. She'd been doing it the whole day.
Then we met up with Rheymarie, Clarissa & Michelle after Jinny (Regina) left.
Marielle was taking SO LONG.
So I guess we decided to look at the different classrooms. (Preferably 7F.)
It was Rheymarie's idea to go inside their classroom.
Suddenly, Reginald & some of his classrooms came in, supposedly, they were gonna practice for Parents' Day.
But before they did that, they played some songs from the Boys Like Girls CD Reginald got for Friendship Day.
All of us (Except Rheymarie & Clarissa, since I guess they don't know the song.) sang "Thunder". That song is so addicting. :)
After a while, we left 7F.
Natalie decided to check what was keeping Marielle so long.
Which I guess was a good thing, since Marielle said she couldn't leave her classroom. (They were practicing for Parents' Day.)
She gave Natalie the money (Php. 500) so we could buy the food ourselves.
Natalie used it to buy a MILO FREEZE.
Rheymarie used it to buy ICE CREAM.
Clarissa used it to buy a MILKSHAKE.
Michelle used it to buy a DRINK?
It looked like we were having a picnic. :))
So Natalie suggested we go to the hallway near the Computer Lab 1 to have the so-called.. "picnic".
But when we got there (with our heavy bags included) Michelle said that we might get in trouble for being there 'cause some teacher were in the lab doing the grades & stuff.
So we all (reluctantly, since the bags were heavy) went near the CR.
It's weird to have a picnic near a CR, if you ask me.
Still, we ate there.
I shocked the others when I heard a voice.
It sounded like a teacher. (omg. lol.)
We all hid in the bathroom. :)) With the food & all. =))
Turns out, false alarm.
After all that crap, Natalie read a really disturbing part in the Breaking Dawn book.
I dare not describe it. I don't even read the Twilight series.
After that, Marielle came out & Natalie gave her the money we didn't spend & the 5 pieces of Country Bits we saved for her.
When we came down, I let Marielle listen to "birthday song" I prepared for her in my PSP. :))
It was sung by..
One of the anime dudes that make Marielle go "OMG!!!!! XDDD"
Hahaha, sorry.
That's my report.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dang. Periodical tests results are in.

Moment of truth.
It's time to see if I really am smart.
To see if I exert "effort" into my studies.
It's kinda nerve-racking, if you ask me.
It's really annoying if your parents are disappointed at your scores.
It's not saddening; it's annoying.
I don't really feel bad if I get a low score.
(Actually I don't have a low score yet. My lowest I think is Math. 80/100.)
It's just the feeling that your parents are disappointed at your scores is what bugs me.
It just really pisses me off, actually.
So far, so good. No low scores.
Highest I guess is my Reading subject. 90/100.
Not bad, I guess. I think I could have done better though.
I didn't really study well for that test.
Urgh. Math. I think it hates me.
Hmmn, at least I haven't failed. Yet.
Agh, I don't like failing. It makes me feel like I'm stupid.
Maybe I should think that I won't fail.
Anyway, Language & Science are the only tests that weren't given the scores yet.
Language is no prob., it's Science that I'm worried about.
Oh well. Hope for the best.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chapter 2 is up, nya!

Chapter 2 of my Prince of Tennis fanfic is up!
To check out my story, go to

Here's the link of my fic for you.
(Click here.)

The X's.

Haha, yesterday was cool. (Aug. 15. 2008)
When it was dismissal, me & 2 other friends went to hang out with Marielle, our other friend, 'cause she brought her laptop to school.
Since we couldn't use the internet, we played The Sims 2. :>
We made a family with the 4 of us in it.. Only trouble was we couldn't think of a last name.
Natalie made it though. It became "X".
So our family became the X's. :))

But we made 8 people in the family. (we were teenagers, we made 2 teenage boys & 2 adults.)
It was so hard to find a house that would fit us.
It took us so long that Natalie & Clarissa had to leave for their bus.
So me & Marielle took over.
We couldn't find a single house in Veronaville! We had to choose that house with the swimming pool in that Houses option. XD
But it took us so long to fix up the place.
Like, about an hour tops.
We didn't even finish it, actually. And the House Building Tutorial kinda didn't help.
So we decided to get in her Sims 1 & looked at the photo album there. (She had Naruto Character sims.)
The photos were... Interesting.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pretty odd, huh?

The Panic At The Disco concert is TONIGHT!
Woot! I can't wait!
But... I have to study first. Damn.
Stupid exam week. At least the tests tomorrow are the easy subjects.
Social Studies, Reading. I think it'll be a snap.
But what's more important now is...
What am I gonna wear to the concert.
It needs to look, smell & taste (yes, taste.) PRETTY. ODD. !


Is it right for a teacher to call a student fat?
It's wrong right? Especially if the students is CLEARLY not fat.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I got a new haircut.
It DID Not turn out the way I'd hope.
My hair's so short now dammit.
Think Rihanna in the "Umbrella" video or Mukahi Gakuto in Prince of Tennis.
It's THAT short now. Ugh.
This just proves that you can't trust strangers with your hair.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Splurging is bad, or is it?

Hmm, okay,
Yesterday was alright I guess.
I was absent from school Thursday to Friday 'cause I got sick.
Friday, I was feeling better, so I decided to accompany my mom to Powerplant Rockwell to hear mass.
We were kinda late.. (uhh, the mass was ending when we came.) so after a few minutes of staying at the church, we decided to do something else. Since I had 500 pesos & my mom owed me another 500, I decided that I should just buy a CD & a manga. (It was my intention of going, after all. :) )
Music One was the first stop. I couldn't decide what to buy! There was A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Pretty. Odd., Flyleaf, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, The Black Parade & The Black Parade is Dead!
I wanted to buy all of those!! Damn!
But in the end, I decided to buy A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. I'm perfectly happy with it. XD
Then, next stop was Fully Booked. It was even harder to pick a manga.
Being a mangaholic myself, I almost melted at the site of 2 whole shelves back-to-back full of manga!!
There was Prince of Tennis, Naruto, Death Note, Negima!, Hana Kimi, Ouran, I think it had EVERYTHING.
Too bad it was so expensive.
Since I couldn't decide, I decided to call my friend Jin for her opinion.
When I said "Negima Volume 8" She was.. all hyper-ish on the phone. o.o
At least she helped me pick. XD In the end, I got Hana Kimi Volume 23 (final volume)
Agh! I hate that they didn't post the special end chapter!! WHY WHY WHY!!!
It was one of the best chapters ever!!
At least, I loved the story. :3
I guess, all in all, I spent 1000 pesos in one day. o.o (just for a CD & a book..)
At least it was my money. :) And I planned it all along. >:D<