Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sometimes, too much free time can be a bad thing.

Boredom is really bad, right?
Like in my title, too much free time can be a bad thing. I can't even think of a good topic to blog about. I've tried drawing Ryoma all "jazzed-up", with a beret, turtleneck & glasses. (You know, like how those people dress in jazz/coffee bars/clubs.) I've been to the gym. (Now THAT's something I don't do everyday.) And I've been online the whole day.
That's one thing that's bad about the summer. Sometimes the free time is too much. You get this nagging feeling that you want to be busy. It makes you so bored of being bored.

So this summer, I'll try to not be a lazy sloth like last summer.
After holy week, I'm gonna go back to tennis lessons, so that's one thing to get my blood pumping. Maybe I'll try tae kwon do too. I've always wanted to try a martial art. I'm thinking of taking up guitar, but I don't really want to burden my parents (or parent) with more money problems. With getting a guitar & a teacher & all. (Even though I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar since I was 7.)
7 years have passed & I have not accomplished that dream.

I'm thinking of making the jazzed-up style a series of PoT drawings. I'll try doing Fuji next. I have a vague concept of what to draw him in. XP