Thursday, April 30, 2009

Neglect; updates.

Seems like I've neglected my blogspot for quite a few days. Sorry about that. ^^;;
I got too addicted to LJ. I'm really, really sorry.

Anyways, I think I've missed out on updating about my life here on blogspot.

1.) I'm gonna have tennis lessons again~!! Woot! I miss playing tennis. I wanna be a good tennis player.

2.) It seems like I'm losing my fandom of Prince of Tennis. I don't know what happened... I guess we can blame reality. I still love PoT, but not as much as I used to. :(

3.) Sometime when May starts, I'm gonna have karatedo lessons. It was supposed to start last December, but the instructor's wife recently gave birth, so it's only natural to wait for a while.

4.) I made a YamaJima!!!! 'Nuff said.

That's all I remember right now, jya!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lj; MADE!!

Well, I decided to make an LJ. :)
Check it out, yo~

Hope you guys will read it. ^^

LJ; thinking.

I'm thinking if I should make an LJ.
You know, LiveJournal?
So I could post fanfics there & stuff.
And maybe some unimportant stuff. :D
'Cause I use this blog for posting thoughts & stuff that I do/did. And it's kinda hard for people to read, ne? The only problems I think I'm gonna have are having hard times updating (since I have this blog, LJ & my DA journal.), thinking of what to post (sometimes, I have no idea what to blog about even in blogspot.), and apparently; LJ is hard to organize. Is this true?
I guess I have to find out myself.
What's a better username though? xxfallenxleaves or xxtensai?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Mayonaka no Shadow Boy~!!
GWAH. This song is so awesome. It makes you feel like you want you to be the "Cherry" they are talking about.
Just one thing though...
Who the heck is this "Cherry" person??

Yuto is so awesome.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sometimes, too much free time can be a bad thing.

Boredom is really bad, right?
Like in my title, too much free time can be a bad thing. I can't even think of a good topic to blog about. I've tried drawing Ryoma all "jazzed-up", with a beret, turtleneck & glasses. (You know, like how those people dress in jazz/coffee bars/clubs.) I've been to the gym. (Now THAT's something I don't do everyday.) And I've been online the whole day.
That's one thing that's bad about the summer. Sometimes the free time is too much. You get this nagging feeling that you want to be busy. It makes you so bored of being bored.

So this summer, I'll try to not be a lazy sloth like last summer.
After holy week, I'm gonna go back to tennis lessons, so that's one thing to get my blood pumping. Maybe I'll try tae kwon do too. I've always wanted to try a martial art. I'm thinking of taking up guitar, but I don't really want to burden my parents (or parent) with more money problems. With getting a guitar & a teacher & all. (Even though I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar since I was 7.)
7 years have passed & I have not accomplished that dream.

I'm thinking of making the jazzed-up style a series of PoT drawings. I'll try doing Fuji next. I have a vague concept of what to draw him in. XP

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oshitari x Jirou?

I have a new pairing that I love~!!
It seems that I love crack pairings more than canon pairings. .-.
Anyways, I find the Oshitari x Jirou pairing awesome. I don't know why, but they're so cute together. This is what I get from my love of yaoi, huh?

I watched episode 26 of the Prince of Tennis OVA. I'm really sad it actually ended though. But there's gonna be a new OVA about Hyoutei when they were younger. It seems interesting, I wanna see it. XD

Sunday, April 5, 2009

OZINE Fest - Final Day

Today was the final day of the OZINE fest.
I didn't go to the OZINE Fest on the second day, since I was trying to save money & I overslept.
Anyway, it was awesome~!!
I went there with Alex. She took pictures instead of cosplaying, while I cosplayed. XD (As Mello.)
I actually bought figurines~!! For Php. 80!!!! They are Fuji & Kirihara. XD
In shops, those figurines actually cost Php. 600-800.
Lucky ne~
I kinda regret not buying Atobe though. In the next con, I'll definitely buy him!! (Also maybe Tezuka & Ryoma. XD)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Final report cards~

Today was the first day of the OZINE Fest.
As planned, I went to school with my brother & my mom first to get the report cards.
Got a red eagle on my card. :P Although, I think my grades are still low. Heh, at least they went up. Gah, in Grade 7, I got the lowest grades I ever received on a card. And I am one of those people who think 88-ish is low. Though I don't really care about my grades.
Maybe now I can show my dad my report card since I got an eagle. Maybe he'll even get me a new cellphone~

After that, we went straight to Megamall for the OZINE Fest.
Putting on a wig was harder than I thought it would be. I needed help from a hairnet.
... At least people liked me being Mello.
I'm still not sure if I should go to the con again on Sunday though.
Should I?