Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year-Ender Special.

This is my 51st blog post...
... And the last blog post for 2008.
It makes people all teary-eyed when they finally realize that time is moving too fast,
to enjoy & suffer everything.
It makes you wish that time just stood still sometimes, huh?
At least, that's what I think.
2008 was an awesome year, full of bad & good things.
I was able to complete some of my resolutions,
and that's a good thing.
I was able to post a fic that's gaining great popularity,
I bought lots of manga (with my own money!),
I was able to see my favorite bands perform live in concert,
buy clothes & stuff that I needed & wanted,
went to conventions (all in costume, no less.).
And that's just a couple of things.
There are lots of bad things too, but I would rather not say.
2008 was a good year
But, like all good stuff, it comes to an end.
Sometimes too soon for others.
2008 is dying, and will soon be dead like the black parade in just a few hours.
Although, a new year will begin: 2009.
Let's all just hope that 2009 will be an even more awesome year than 2008. :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Computer's busted

Oh, I forgot to say,
my computer's busted.
Something about a file is missing and/or corrupt & therefore cannot be started.
It sucks, I know.
My mom said she's gonna get it fixed today, (it broke a couple of days ago.)
but she hasn't taken it out yet. (it's already night time.)
'Till then, I might not be posting as much.
I'm using my sister's laptop right now. :P
I hope it gets fixed soon. :(
I have a lot of important documents in there.
Like my WDMPG? fic, pictures that took me FOREVER to find, and song that were really hard to find.

Shoes. <3

These shoes are awesome. :3
But, they're for men. ^^"
I wish they had it for women.
I will search~

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas break, among other things

Christmas break is here!
Now I can laze around the whole day once again!
So awesome.
lol, I'm hungry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chapter 5 of WDMPG is finally out!

I am ashamed of myself for taking so long to update it. XD
I didn't update for the month of November.
Oh well, alls well that ends well, right?
Here is the awaited link!!


The heck. XD

Oh man,
now Yuiko died too. D:
"It has struggled with the battle with life" something like that.
Apparently the drops give you an item from a store in gaia. :P

Monday, December 15, 2008

In loving memory~

My fish died. T.T
lol, that fish wasn't even real.. XD
But still... D:
It was one of my fish in Gaia Online.
A goldfish named Reo.
I wonder what the drops will do...
Ehem, lol. :P

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Minagawa-san, I WANT YOUR VOICE.

That's it.
I am officially in love with Echizen Ryoma's voice.
Technically, Junko Minagawa's voice.
Her voice is so awesome, man!
It sounds so nice! XD
They way she sounds like a guy is awesome!
At the same time, she sounds like a girl. o.o
Now, on of my goals is to have a voice as good as Junko Minagawa's.
Hmm. I wonder how that'll happen. :))

Thursday, December 11, 2008




Er... Sorry. I'm just hyped up today. XD


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tablet... Scanner... ANYTHING!

Wah! I now have a random craving for a
I must have a tablet!
Or at least a scanner!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm a Deviant~

That's right.
I'm a Deviant now. :>
I have a DA account! Yay.
Now all I need is a scanner or a tablet...
I can't always just take a picture of my work!
Here's the link to my DA:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I will follow him~ Yeah right.

Being 14 makes me feel old.
today sucked. :))
Well, not really.
Just because of the songfest.
It sucked, man!
My class came from Basuraland.
I mean, come on...
I dare not speak of it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The last night..

Well, this is it.
The last blog entry I'll have being 13.
Being 14 kinda makes me nervous.
I'll miss being 13, so much has happened.
I think my year as a 13 year old had helped me develop as an overall person (biased opinion) & had helped me realize some things in my life that seemed too cloudy for my thoughts before.
This past year, I had gone through a lot. Friendships, heartaches, pains, disappointment, pressure, depression, suicide attempts, etc.
But it wasn't all bad memories.
There were a lot of good ones too.
Finding out about Prince of Tennis (courtesy of Marielle), finding out about stuff I've never even HEARD of before, and a lot of other stuff.
This year will be marked in my eternal memorandum.
I feel all sad & sentimental just thinking about that this is the last day I'm gonna live as a person who had just entered the official adolescent stage: Lucky 13.
Tomorrow, I'm officially entering the 2nd year of teenagers out there: 14.
So, I guess this is the official end of this blog.
The last blog as a 13 year old.
Man, I sound like a broken record.

Monday, December 1, 2008

zOMG! No shit.

It's so hard, man. :))
I need help. XD
Stupid valves.
This is the first time that an online battle game has challenged me!
And I have to do a task as silly as this?
I will fail at a job that involves tightening objects.