Friday, October 31, 2008

Into the RUSH.

I knew procrastinating was a bad idea!
Now I'm rushing chapter 4 of the WDMPG? fic!
Pray that I post it in time before October ends!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Almost Halloween :>

I've got the chills. XD
It's almost Hallowe~ee~n.
It's almost HALLOWEEN!
I'm not only up for Halloween for the candy or stuff.
I'm up for the costumes! XD
Punk lolita, anybody?
Other than that...
It's gonna be L's birthday!
THE L Lawliet.
Greatest detective EVER.
I'm a dork, yes I know that. XD
Happy advanced birthday, L! :)


I've got a new fanfic posted in :>
Actually, a few days ago.
Here it is:

Review if you have a account. :>

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You're such a f*cking hypocrite.


What's wrong with the world nowadays?
Scratch that-- what's wrong with the PEOPLE nowadays?
Everyone, no, not everyone, MOST people are such backstabbers & bitches.

I snap at you because I can't handle it anymore.

And something I said to not tell ANYONE, you had the nerve to say it to someone.
I don't care if she's also a close friend, a promise is a promise.
I guess I just have to kill myself now.

Can't you take a hint?
Maybe being your friend was a bad idea.


I always knew you would never change.

Screw you.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

She's just somebody's daughter just looking for somebody to love her.

I feel like doing a little advertising here.

I have some friends here who also have blogs. :)

Check out their blogs if you wish.



That is all.

Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sembreak... Sembreak... Sembreak...

Well, it's sembreak now.
And what's sembreak without a little lakwa? XD
I went to G4 with a few of my friends: Mycah, Alex, Rebecca & my aibou, Bea!
It was.. Let's say an overall good experience.
Me & my aibou went near the "Wanted" movie poster to do some... Murder planning.
We planned something. But it's still a secret for now.
You guys might find out sooner or later. :>
Let's just say it's... Tennis.
I felt like a little bratty kid again, hahaha. :))
Too bad Michelle wasn't able to come, she should have asked me about the adult thing!
Sayang Michelle!
Super fun. Is all I could say.
Especially TimeZone. Yeah!
Haha, Mario Kart, Mini Carousel, Raging Ape, Photo Booth, Animal Riding. XD
lol, Me & Rebecca thought that the "extra time" for designing the photos was forever. :))
Sana mag-lakwa ulit, guys!

Monday, October 13, 2008

It was a L I F E or D E A T H situation. D:

... Maybe I shouldn't have been so excited about the Cosplaymania con.

I almost died! D:

So many... people... TT.TT
I liked the Anicon better, but.. oh well.
I think I would've enjoyed the Cosplaymania con more if they chose a BIGGER venue.
Megatrade Hall 3 is too small.
It should have been somewhere really big, a place that was built to actually hold cons.
Like SMX convention center.
Well, if you take out all the bad factors, the con was actually really GOOD. :>
They sold wigs (too bad I couldn't buy, it was like 1200.), sold stuff for lolita costumes (I bought some for my punk school girl costume! Yay!), and really cheap accessories (I bought a tennis racquet necklace. :D).
I guess the next thing to look forward to is... Halloween!
I'm going trick-or-treating with Natalie I think. :P
I'll go as a lolita thingy. :D

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cosplay MANIA.

There's another convention tomorrow!
Terribly excited now, huh?
Must... PREPARE!!!!!!
What's wrong with me? :))

Anywho, I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I'll do that later.
Haha, I'm such a random procrastinator.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

U N day. Celebrate~ ... Or not.

Tomorrow (Oct. 10) is supposedly U.N. day, right?
Also, it's Spanish Day or something.
I have no problems with that.
What the problem is that..
I don't have a costume.
And yes, I need a costume.
My Social Studies teacher made it a quiz, dammit.
It's either 10 or 0.
What if you really don't have a costume? Like me.
If only she told us sooner that we needed to wear a costume, I would have gotten one by now.
I could've borrowed Natalie's matador outfit, or Jean's yukata, or something.
Anything at all.
Dang it.
I wish I could just be absent tomorrow.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
Heh, oh well.
Might as well improvise some weird Spanish costume,
and look like those royal-like Spanish ladies you see in T.V. shows.

A N I C O N . LOLerrss.

Been a long time since I posted something, huh?

Well, Last Sunday was so.. super as in.... astiiiig.
Well, it's 'cause I went to the Anicon.
Wearing a costume.
(So many W's. XD)
I was Echizen Ryoma, lol.
I didn't know that many people would ask for my picture..
Is it really awesome for someone to see a 13-year old girl cross-dressing?
I guess it sounds awesome, though.
Another good bit: This dude who was also dressed as Ryoma asked me if I could join the group cosplay of PoT next week.
Of course I would! XD I always wanted to do that.
Probably next time, It's gonna be Akatsuki cosplay next.
I get dibs on Konan. :))
Or Deidara!
Or... Tobi. :)